Saturday, November 20, 2010

For all you people who say you love Jesus...

For all you people who say you love Jesus, READ THIS: You say you love Jesus yet on your pages you're cursing, posting sensual stuff, watching horror movies, and acting wordly. God is not happy with this. REPENT. If you truelly love Jesus, Then you would keep His commandments (The Old Testament and the ones in the NT). It is written we are to deny ourselves and follow Him.

We are to not act like the world, but are to be seperate from the world as He is seperate from it. If you love Jesus, you will honor what He has set forth. If you are being worldy, guess what being a friend to the world means you are an of God. Repent you people, and stop cursing, stop talking about people because doing so is murder (yes talking about someone is murdering them), stop watching all these unrighteous films, listening to all this unrighteous music, and get right before God. You say your a believer, yeah well you show nothing that says you are. If you truelly are, prove it by doing His commandments, not being worldly. We are not to be of this world, but are called unto a different life. If you are a believer of Him then you are to walk like Him and not be worldly. REPENT. Please, b/c not doing so you will not have blessings in your life (and blessings are not material) and you will have the rewards when you get to Heaven.

Your salvation can not be taken away, but satan can take away your usefullness to the kingdom. Really check if your saved b/c it matters. Salvation also means to be delievered from this world's walk in life. He saved us to walk like Him, not say we love Him and curse our brother behind their back. Choose you this day who you will serve.

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